Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Newsies a Winner

Our family just returned from a short trip to New York where we saw "Newsies," the popular musical about the New York newsboy strike in 1899.  The two-week strike against the New York World and New York Journal forced the newspaper's to increase the amount of money they paid to the newsboys. In "Newsies" the kids only strike against the World and publisher Joseph Pulitzer is the bad guy. Still,  I was impressed with the general historical accuracy of the show, even down to the logo of the World used in the newspapers that were such an important part of many scenes. (The dance scene where the newsies dance on copies of the paper is one of the show's best.)

By the way, I couldn't resist this opportunity to post one of my favorite pictures of newsboys, taken by the muckraking photographer Lewis Hine.  Hine took many photos of newsies as part of his crusade against child labor.