Joe Campbell's "Media Myth Alert" is one of the best blogs about mass media history. Campbell, a professor of journalism at American University, is the author of several books, including Getting it Wrong. His blog calls attention to media-driven myths.
In a recent post, Campbell revisits what he calls the Washington Post's "thoroughly innacurate" story about U.S. Army Private Jessica Lynch 10 years ago. In a front-page story, the Post said that Lynch, a supply clerk who never expected to see combat, fought fiercely during an ambush in the first major battle of the Iraq War. As Campbell notes, it was an electrifying report that proved to be "spectacularly wrong" and reverberated widely.
Campbell does not mince words in his blog, one of the things that makes it so valuable. A former reporter, he knows that journalists often do outstanding work, but they also are far from perfect. And as he rightly points out, the same can be said for historians writing about the media.